Simple Spreadsheet is a free electronic spreadsheet program, without the bloated feature set of commercial products.
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It is what it says it is, so it very nearly meets what I need For what it's worth, what I was really looking for was just 3 columns to enter cash expenditure on the hoof. Column 1: today's date (by default) Column 2: text, say 20 chars. Column 3: Money format. That's all. No calculation, or any fancy tricks. I'd love it if Alan Conroy could do that for me.
Good example of how simplicity can actually kill functionality !!!
Under XP it will not open modern xls and xlsx files, and produces the error message "invalid file format". If Sourceforge developers do not want to update their offerings beyond the rudimentary stage when are they are submitted they should take them down and save us the trouble of installing them only to find they do not work.
OMG! This is the easiest most intuitive spreadsheet for what I need. It has become a permanent addition to my K.I.S.S. business model (Keep It Simple, Stupid)...and Simple SpreadSheet does just that! Thanks!